AIMS is designed as a Content Management System for assessment related information. While we have developed what we believe are the essential tools for an effective program to improve your energy, water, waste and carbon performance, the platform is flexible enough to be adapted to a range of different audiences and needs. Every operation involves unique challenges and opportunities, and we are ready to work with you in creating blended data applications and custom modules that meet your specific needs. Contact us to learn more.
User roles & interface
AIMS is available in English and Spanish, with traditional and simplified Chinese available on request. The AIMS interface can be simplified and customized for specific users. Individuals entering utility billing data do not need to see KPI dashboards or asset management modules. User roles can be created to ensure audiences only have access to data and features that are appropriate to their needs, reducing the learning curve for adoption.
Apps & Data Blending
Blend AIMS data with a range of other datasets including spreadsheet data for custom analyses. Combine web or locally hosted data files, including geospatial formats, to provide additional context to your analyses and custom applications Source data from Sharepoint and Google Drive to maintain organizational permissions for sensitive data.
Custom connectors & modules
If you identify the need for a new specialized module for your program, we will work with you to develop a module especially for you. Our development team has many years of enterprise application development for sensitive, mission critical data.
Every organization has its legacy systems which are a nonnegotiable part of their operations. We can construct custom connectors between these legacy systems and AIMS (assuming they are open to the internet). We can also develop connectors to other systems as the need arises.